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NOVA IBEX 4 – Wherever you go
NOVA IBEX 4 – Wherever you go Novawingsinternational 13 Lượt xem • 3 năm trước kia

Der NOVA IBEX 4 ist ein superleichter EN/LTF A-Gleitschirm (ab 3,0 kg) mit einem extrem großen Einsatzbereich und einem außergewöhnlich breiten Gewichtsbereich pro Größe. Die vierte Generation ist eine komplette Neuentwicklung: Der Dreileiner hat 36 Zellen, eine Streckung von 4,63 und ist zum ersten Mal mit Diagonal Tape Ribs ausgestattet. Das reduziert das Gewicht, erhöht die Leistung und sorgt für ein kompaktes Fluggefühl. Leicht, klein zu packen, unkompliziert, sicher, einfachst startend, spaßig und erstaunlich leistungsstark eignet sich der IBEX 4 zum Reisen, Hike & Fly, Hausbergfliegen, zur Schulung, Bergsteigen, Starkwind- Soaren und sogar Streckenfliegen.

NOVA’s new IBEX 4 is a lightweight (from 3.0 kg), compact packing paraglider with an extraordinarily wide weight- range per size. Offering high versatility, it is suitable for hike & fly, travelling, recreational flying, instruction, high- mountain adventures, soaring or even XC flying. The fourth generation is a completely new designed EN/LTF A-wing. The three-liner has 36 cells, an aspect ratio 4.63 and features Diagonal Tape Ribs for the first time. That results in less weight, higher performance and a more solid feel of the wing.

Theo’s Trick of the week #3: TWISTED CORK and CORK REVERSE
Theo’s Trick of the week #3: TWISTED CORK and CORK REVERSE Novawingsinternational 13 Lượt xem • 3 năm trước kia

The CORK was one of the first tricks of the new area in acro flying. Invented by Pal Takats, it opened the acro world to a bunch of new tricks. The Cork is a really high spinning movement in between a Tumbling entry and Misty Flip followed by a fast rotation into a Helicopter. Here it is performed twisted, so twisted at the entry and untwisted when starting the rotation of the wing. It's a highly addictive trick!

The CORK REVERSE is the same initial movement as a cork, but instead of connecting it to a Helicopter to the same direction you connect it to a Helicopter to the opposite direction and therefore it's a reverse trick! One of my favourite tricks to do!

“Theo’s Trick of the Week” is a series of mini-tutorials in acro tricks created by Theo de Blic. You can find them here or on

#novaparagliders #novawings #novaglitch #glitch #aerobatics #acro #akro #theodeblic #paragliding #gleitschirm #parapente #parapendio
Theo's Trick der Woche #3: TWISTED CORK und CORK REVERSE

Der CORK war einer der ersten Tricks im modernen Acrofliegen. Er wurde von Pal Takats erfunden und eröffnete der Acro-Welt eine ganze Reihe neuer Tricks. Der Cork ist eine sehr hohe Drehbewegung zwischen der Einleitung eines Tumbling und einem Misty Flip, gefolgt von einer schnellen Rotation in einen Heli. Hier wird er ge-twisted ausgeführt, also twisted beim Einstieg und untwisted, wenn die Rotation beginnt. Es ist ein Trick mit hohem Suchtfaktor!

Der CORK REVERSE beginnt gleich wie ein Cork, aber anstatt ihn mit einem Heli in die gleiche Richtung zu verbinden, verbindet man ihn mit einem Heli in die entgegengesetzte Richtung. Somit gehört zu den Twisted Tricks! Einer meiner Lieblingstricks!

"Theo's Trick of the Week" ist eine Serie von Mini-Tutorials für Akro-Tricks, die von Theo de Blic erstellt wurden. Ihr könnt sie hier oder auf finden.

#novaparagliders #novawings #novaglitch #glitch #aerobatics #acro #akro #theodeblic #paragliding #gleitschirm #parapente #parapendio

Theo’s Trick of the week #6: MACTWIST and TWISTED MACTWIST TO HELI
Theo’s Trick of the week #6: MACTWIST and TWISTED MACTWIST TO HELI Novawingsinternational 13 Lượt xem • 3 năm trước kia

The MACTWIST is a really fast rotation usually flown for around 720 degrees. A Mactwist is a fast spin that normally spins your brain around and exits in a deepstall movement. Really easy to connect it into a Helicopter, it got its name by the infamous number of twists you risk getting if you fail. The faster it is the better it is.

The (TWISTED) MACTWIST TO HELI is the same as before, but this time instead of exiting after 720 degrees you keep going and connect it into a Helicopter. A super popular trick, it's also super fun to perform. I do it all the time. Great trick to end a competition run because it always has a "wow-effect”. Here it is performed twisted, so twisted during the entry and untwisted when starting the rotation of the wing.

“Theo’s Trick of the Week” is a series of mini-tutorials in acro tricks created by Theo de Blic. You can find them here or on

#novaparagliders #novawings #novaglitch #glitch #aerobatics #acro #akro #theodeblic #paragliding #gleitschirm #parapente #parapendio
„Theos Trick der Woche“ #6: MACTWIST und TWISTED MACTWIST TO HELI

Der MACTWIST besteht aus sehr schnellen Drehungen, normalerweise um 720 Grad. Die Drehung erfolgt so schnell, dass dein Gehirn ganz schön herumwirbelt wird, und sie endet im Sackflug. Es ist wirklich einfach, den Mactwist mit einem Heli zu verbinden. Seinen Namen hat er von der fast schon berüchtigten Anzahl unfreiwilliger Twists der Tragegurte, die man riskiert, wenn man den Trick nicht sauber ausführt. Je schneller der Mactwist ist, desto besser ist er.

Der (TWISTED) MACTWIST TO HELI läuft ebenso wie zuvor beschrieben, aber statt nach 720 Grad auszusteigen, machst du weiter und verbindest ihn mit einem Heli. Es ist ein sehr beliebter Trick, der auch sehr viel Spaß macht. Ich fliege ihn immer wieder gerne. Ein toller Trick, um einen Wettkampf zu beenden, weil er immer einen "Wow-Effekt" bewirkt. Hier wird er ge-twisted ausgeführt, d. h. twisted während des Eintritts und untwisted, wenn der Flügel die Rotation des Heli beginnt.

"Theo's Trick of the Week" ist eine Serie von Mini-Tutorials zu Acro-Tricks, die von Theo de Blic erstellt wurden. Du findest sie hier oder auf

#novaparagliders #novawings #novaglitch #glitch #aerobatics #acro #akro #theodeblic #paragliding #gleitschirm #parapente #parapendio

OZONE - Angel SQ Pro
OZONE - Angel SQ Pro Ozone 13 Lượt xem • 3 năm trước kia

The OZONE Angel SQ Pro:

- 920 grams (size 100)
- Designed to maximise weight volume savings
- Increased stability
- Improved sink rate
- Rapid inflation

The Angel SQ Pro is the same proven concept of the Angel SQ, made from even lighter materials. It was developed for hike and fly adventures like the Red Bull X-Alps, and for anyone looking to save weight in their pack without compromising on safety.

The Angel SQ Pro is a top-of-the-line option for pilots who want to carry a fast-opening, stable, and safe reserve parachute that packs in a low volume, and is ultra-lightweight.

The two main factors in reserve parachute performance are sink rate and stability. A reserve parachute with an acceptable theoretical sink rate can easily deliver a hard landing if there is pendulum instability. The principal advantage of the Angel SQ Pro over a traditional round is in its increased stability. The increased stability combined with the Angel SQ Pro's excellent sink rate makes it a higher performance reserve than traditional round designs.

The Angel SQ has a relatively large surface area, yet is ultralight, giving exceptional sink rate and stability performance with fast opening times. The large surface area is the principal ingredient in its excellent sink rate — all sizes of the Angel SQ Pro provide plenty of margin within the weight ranges they are certified to carry. Where the Angel SQ Pro really shines is in its high pendulum stability, which can be even more important than sink rate performance. During the development process, which included many real-life test deployments, the Angel SQ Pro's low sink rate and high pendulum stability delivered consistently safe and comfortable descents.

Certified EN, the Angel SQ Pro is available in sizes 100 and 120. Supplied with a short bridle designed for harnesses with an integrated reserve bridle, it pairs well with the Ozium and F*Race series but may also be used with any other type of harness.

M7 IMPORTANT NOTICE Ozone 13 Lượt xem • 3 năm trước kia

After investigation of the Mantra M7 leading edge lower surface deformation, we now have a better
understanding of the phenomenon and can give an explanation.

Under certain specific circumstances the leading edge plastic reinforcements can remain inverted on the lower surface, even during flight. This is not created by overtight plastics but is caused by a lack of tension in the middle part of the leading edge during the inflation process. If the wing tips are allowed to inflate before the middle section of the wing, the plastics in the centre may become inverted and can remain so even once in the air. This normally only affects the central part of the wing occurring either symmetrical or to just one side, the extent of the deformation or whether it occurs at all depends exactly on how the wing inflates.

To avoid this situation, always ensure the wing is in a good position before inflation. When launching in
wind make sure the wall is well built with the middle higher than the tips, in nil-wind conditions lay the wing in a pronounced arc so the middle is more likely to rise before the tips. We recommend to only take hold of the central A risers, there is no need to hold the outer riser to which AR3 is attached. Whatever the wind conditions or launch method you use, always try to ensure the middle of the wing inflates first, like this the phenomenon will practically not occur. If you do find yourself in the air with inverted plastics, do not worry; the wing can be flown as normal. From the testing we have made we believe it is not a safety concern, the wing can be flown perfectly safely and remedied in-flight. To do so use a short, sharp symmetric jab of the brakes. The action is not the same as the input used to recover from a collapse - a deep long pump is generally not effective - rather, use a shorter, sharper, harder input to provoke the plastics to right themselves. When jabbing the brakes like this, push
your hands to the outside, that way the central brakes are engaged early, this is the most efficient technique to encourage the plastics to pop in the very middle of the wing. When using this method, we have found the plastics can be righted 100% of the time, we have never been unable to right inverted plastics whilst in the air.
We have conducted a thorough flight test procedure with the plastics inverted and have not experienced
any significant detrimental effects to the behaviour of the wing. Parachutal stalls are unaffected, the wing enters and exits a parachutal stall in the same way whether with the plastics inverted or correctly orientated. Collapse recovery is also unaffected.
We do believe however that it will have an slight impact on performance and possibly reduce the inherent stability of the wing, although this is something that is hard to quantify. Even with the plastics inverted, the M7 can be thermalled and ridge soared as normal and when flown actively still remain open in strong turbulent air.
Please watch the video for a clear visual explanation and if you have any questions do not hesitate to
contact one of the test team.

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