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Kéo cắt cáp điện đa năng, cắt dây thép, cáp thép nhiều sợi mềm. Chuyên dụng cho các loại dây cáp lõi đồng hoặc nhôm có bọc vỏ cách điện, đường kính cả vỏ lên tới Ø8mm. Không những thế, cây kéo đa năng còn cắt được cả dây kẽm với vị trí cắt quy định, nằm ngay gốc của lưỡi kéo. Đường kính cắt dây kẽm lên tới Ø3mm ở độ cứng HRC20.
Bạn cũng dùng kéo CC-0300 này để cắt các loại cáp chịu lực nhiều lõi với độ cứng vừa phải. Cắt đúng vị trí quy ước của nhà sản xuất. Vui lòng xem video dưới đây để sáng tỏ hơn.
Cty Cổ Phần Thiết Bị Minh Khang
Showroom: 4 Trịnh Đình Thảo - Hòa Thạnh - Q. Tân Phú
Tp. HCM - Vietnam
Hot line: +84987123398
OW Cờ lê đuôi chuột 14m-41mm, một đầu vòng MCC Japan
Cờ lê đuôi chuột một đầu vòng size 14-41mm tùy model, có góc lệch lớn so với thân.
Góc lệch lớn, sâu, thích hợp với các ứng dụng vặn mở bu lông đai ốc trong góc hẹp, sâu.
Tay cầm thon về phía đuôi và dài như một cánh tay đòn.
Chuôi cờ lê thon dần, sử dụng như 1 cần nong đầu lỗ xỏ bu lông, điều chỉnh đồng tâm lỗ.
Được làm từ thép hợp kim đặc biệt với đầu cờ lê 12 cạnh. Góc lệch hiệu dụng 30o.
Có lỗ treo dụng cụ ở cả hai đầu của cờ lê.
Thiết kế đa dạng để sử dụng cho nhiều bu lông size khác nhau.
Ứng dụng nhiều trong các lĩnh vực sau.: khung nhà sắt tiền chế, cầu đường, công trình dân dụng, các tòa nhà, máy móc thiết bị điện và đồ gá lắp.
Ứng dụng ưa chuộng nhất trong thi công giàn giáo và nhà tiền chế.
Sản xuất tại Nhật Bản. Made in Japan đúc nổi trên thân cờ lê.
Cty Cổ Phần Thiết Bị Minh Khang
Showroom: 4 Trịnh Đình Thảo - Hòa Thạnh - Q. Tân Phú
Tp. HCM - Vietnam
Hot line: +84987123398
The NOVA SOMNIUM offers everything cross-country pilots are looking for: comfort, an aerodynamic seating position with little drag and thanks to Hybrid Protection, an impressive degree of passive safety. At only 3.7 kilograms (size S), the walk to take-off is made a lot easier.
More about our new XC harness:
More safety. The SOMNIUM is fitted with an innovative Hybrid Protector. When the harness is taken out of the bag the foam begins to expand. Once in the air, the foam protection is augmented by an airbag. This cushion of air not only supports the pelvic area - but protects the whole back. In its class, the SOMNIUM offers a unique level of passive safety.
More performance. The SOMNIUM is fitted with Split Loops. This ensures a comfortable seating position and simultaneously improves the performance of the wing during glides - the tendency to roll is damped and this has a positive impact on your glide ratio, especially in turbulent air. The streamlined design and slender pod underline this performance potential.
Less weight. Small packing size, little weight: due to its Hybrid Protection, the SOMNIUM can be packed small and at 3.7kg (size S) is extraordinarily light - without compromising on passive safety. The foam protector can be highly compressed and apart from the material, the airbag packs down to nothing. The SOMNIUM offers the complete package of performance, safety and little weight.
The last day went better than expected and Theo de Blic was able to reach Turnpoint 8 Dent d'Oche. This was followed by rain, rain and more rain.
Theo also explains what happened in the incident with the cable before the Klausenpass.
Read the full recap about day 10 in our blog:
Find more videos in our X-Alps playlist:
Der letzte Tag verlief besser als erwartet und Theo de Blic konnte Turnpoint 8 Dent d’Oche erreichen. Darauf folgt Regen, Regen und nochmals Regen.
Theo erklärt auch, was bei dem Zwischenfall mit dem Kabel vor dem Klausenpass passiert ist.
Lest die Zusammenfassung des Tages in unserem Blog:
Mehr Videos findet ihr in unserer X-Alps-Playlist:
#novaparagliders #redbullxalps #xalps2021 #adventurerace #waytozellamsee #paragliding #parapente #parapendio #paragleiten #gleitschirm #theodeblic #hikeandfly
About strategy and fun with supporters, family and friends on day 6 of the Red Bull X-Alps …
Théo de Blic was able to catch up and escape the "elimination zone". Today he is on the road together with the Mexican Eduardo Garza.
You can find the full recap in our Daily Report:
Watch more videos in our X-Alps playlist:
Über Strategien und Spaß mit Supportern, Familie und Freunden an Tag 6 der Red Bull X-Alps …
Théo de Blic konnte aufholen und der „Eliminierungszone“ entkommen. Heute ist er gemeinsam mit dem Mexikaner Eduardo Garza unterwegs.
Die schriftliche Zusammenfassung findet ihr in unserem Daily Report:
Und in unserer X-Alps-Playlist könnt ihr weitere Videos anschauen:
#novaparagliders #novawings #redbullxalps #xalps2021 #waytozellamsee #adventurerace #paragliding #parapente #parapendio #paragleiten #gleitschirmfliegen #novaxenon #novaartus
On Norway's national day, 17th of May, @Ole Dalen and his paragliding buddies initiated a great promotion for the paragliding sport in their country.
He wrote us: “We could convince the popular Norwegian singer-songwriter @Adrian Jørgensen to paraglide with us after he had finished an open air concert on the flat top of Breitinden, one of the famous Seven Sisters Mountains in North-Norway. To our knowledge, this peak has never been flown before. Adrian had also never been paragliding before as you clearly can see. During his tandem flight Adrian Jørgensen was singing – well, somehow “singing” – the national anthem.”
The resulting video was shown several times on Norwegian TV. In total about 2 million Norwegians watched it – the equivalent of 40% of the entire population in Norway. How much would this be in your country?
By the way: on Adrian Jørgensen’s Facebook-site you can watch another video from the same event with proper singing – however, it’s not the original soundtrack of his flight.
Am norwegischen Nationalfeiertag, dem 17. Mai, gelang @Ole Dalen mit seinen Fliegerfreunden eine großartige Promotion für den Gleitschirmsport in Norwegen.
Er schrieb uns: "Wir konnten den beliebten norwegischen Singer-Songwriter @Adrian Jørgensen überzeugen, mit uns im Tandem zu fliegen, nachdem er ein Open-Air-Konzert auf dem flachen Gipfelplateau des Breitinden, einem der berühmten Sieben-Schwestern-Berge in Nord-Norwegen, beendet hatte. Unseres Wissens nach wurde von diesem Gipfel noch nie gestartet. Und auch Adrian ist nie zuvor mit dem Gleitschirm geflogen, wie man leicht erkennen kann. Während seines Flugs sang der Musiker die Nationalhymne – wenn man das wirklich „singen“ nennen will."
Das dabei entstandene Video wurde mehrmals im norwegischen Fernsehen gezeigt. Insgesamt sahen es etwa zwei Millionen Norweger – entsprechend 40 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung. Wie viele Leute wären das in deinem Heimatland?
Übrigens: Auf Adrian Jørgensens Facebook-Seite könnt ihr ein weiteres Video von der gleichen Veranstaltung – ebenfalls mit richtigem Gesang, allerdings ist es nicht die Original-Tonspur seines Fluges.
#novaparagliders #novaion #ion6light #paragliding #gleitschirm #parapente #norway #norge #norwegen #parapendio #nationalanthem #nationalhymne #paragleiten
At the beginning of February Wolfi Lechner officially went into (in)retirement. Wolfi is one of the founders of NOVA and the one who is mainly responsible for NOVA's success.
For the Team Pilots he is something like the soul of NOVA and the father of the NOVA Pilots Team. A really big party would have been appropriate for his farewell. But in Corona times that is not OK. So the team made a video together. The idea came from Didier Teypaz from France, many team pilots contributed to it, and finally Markus Kaup from the German Flatland team edited it.
Actually, it is more of an "internal video" - from the team pilots for Wolfi. But we show it anyway, because it conveys a lot of warmth and appreciation. Qualities that characterize Wolfi, but also NOVA as a company and the team pilots.The best thing is: although Wolfi is now officially retired, he will continue to work for NOVA (mainly sales in Austria) – just more irregularly and unpaid. So he will stay with us. GREAT!!
Anfang Februar ging Wolfi Lechner offiziell in (Un)Ruhestand. Wolfi ist einer der Gründer von NOVA und derjenige, der für den Erfolg von NOVA hauptsächlich verantwortlich ist. Für die Team Piloten ist er so etwas wie die Seele von NOVA und der Papa des NOVA Pilots Team.
Zu seinem Abschied wäre ein richtig großes Fest angemessen gewesen. Aber in Corona-Zeiten gehört sich das nicht. Also machten wir gemeinschaftlich ein Video. Die Idee stammt von Didier Teypaz aus Frankreich, ganz viele Team Piloten trugen dazu bei, geschnitten hat es schließlich Markus Kaup vom deutschen Flachland-Team.
Eigentlich ist es ein „internes Video“ – von den Team Piloten für Wolfi. Aber wir zeigen es dennoch, weil es "menschelt", weil Herzlichkeit, Wärme und Wertschätzung rüberkommen. Eigenschaften, die Wolfi auszeichnen, aber auch NOVA als Firma und die Team Piloten.Das Beste an der ganzen Sache: Wolfi ist zwar jetzt offiziell „Pensionist“ (wie man in Österreich sagt), aber er wird weiterhin bei NOVA arbeiten (Verkauf Österreich und als „Seele“) – nur unregelmäßiger und unbezahlt. Er bleibt uns also erhalten, wie schön!,
The Skin 2 and the Skin 2 P are ready for action. When every gram counts, these adventurous gliders allow greater control and expand your range of possibilities. Natural born travellers able to accompany you on every adventure. Wherever, whenever.
*More info about the Skin 2:
*More info about the Skin 2 P:
The well-known Swiss pilot Jérémie Lovey enjoyed a flight with the new Artik 5 and tested some aspects of the glider. Watch his review on this new #Artik5OnTest.
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