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Nicola Donini's morning hike and fly | NOVA | Red Bull X-Alps | Day 2 | 21.06.21
Nicola Donini's morning hike and fly | NOVA | Red Bull X-Alps | Day 2 | 21.06.21 Novawingsinternational 80 Lượt xem • 3 năm trước kia

Nicola Donini's first hike and fly in the morning of the second race day of the Red Bull X-Alps 2021.
Read our Daily Report on and also watch the other videos in our X-Alps playlist:
Nicola Doninis erster Hike and Fly am Morgen des zweiten Renntages der Red Bull X-Alps 2021.
Lest hier unseren Daily Report und schaut euch auch die anderen X-Alps-Videos in unserer Playlist an:

#novaparagliders #novawings #redbullxalps #xalps2021 #waytozellamsee #adventurerace #paragliding #parapente #parapendio #paragleiten #gleitschirmfliegen #novaxenon #novaartus

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