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NOVA BANTAM Video #4 – Made for para-mountaineers
Climb high peaks and instead of descending on foot, why not opt for a few barrel rolls on your way to the valley. If that’s your thing and you have the BANTAM in your pack, you can experience the mountains more intensively from now on. The low aspect ratio and extremely short lines make the launch simpler and the handling more direct.
Even at trim speed, the BANTAM is fast and the speed increase at full acceleration is impressive. Nevertheless, the stability in turbulent air remains remarkably high. Even if you are not a Dolomitenmann, Rise&Fall, etc. competitor, the BANTAM can help you achieve your hike & fly personal best. And the best thing… in comparison to single-surface gliders, its flare characteristics are a particular advantage of the BANTAM. This offers a safety reserve even during adverse landing conditions.
Hohe Gipfel erklimmen und bei Gelegenheit den Abstieg gegen ein paar Barrel-Rolls in Richtung Tal eintauschen. Wer so tickt, und den BANTAM im Gepäck hat, erlebt die Berge ab jetzt intensiver. Die geringe Streckung und die extrem kurzen Leinen helfen beim Start und ermöglichen ein sehr direktes Handling.
Schon im Trimm ist der BANTAM flott unterwegs und der Geschwindigkeitszuwachs bei Vollgas kann sich sehen lassen. Trotzdem bleibt die Stabilität in turbulenter Luft auffallend groß. Selbst wer nicht bei Dolomitenmann, Rise&Fall & Co. an den Start geht, kann mit dem BANTAM also seine ganz persönliche Bestzeit aufstellen. Das Allerbeste zum Schluss: Im Gegensatz zu Single-Skins ist das Ausflaren eine besondere Stärke des BANTAM. Das bietet auch bei widrigen Landebedingungen eine Sicherheitsreserve.
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Universally employable, twice as comfortable and useful. The EASINESS 3 light reversible harness can take you on the most varied of adventures – thanks to its modular design concept – whether Hike & Fly, thermaling or traveling. The detachable airbag with integrated reserve provides maximum safety, and many small but quality details round off this product.
Available in 3 sizes from 1.75kg.
Next Level Performance in the Light Sport-Intermediate Class
The Swift 4 is a lightweight development of the Rush 4, weighing in at an incredible 1300g less than the Rush 4 (in the MS size). Constructed with a hybrid mix of light and ultra-light materials, the Swift 4 offers SharkNose solidity and high levels of performance in a lightweight, compact package. The original Swift not only set a new standard for a class of wings, it also created a new class of paraglider. Lightweight, agile, with top of class performance and a lively but balanced feel in the air, the latest edition of the Swift series has benefitted from the performance breakthroughs that have made our sport-performance class wings, such as the Delta series, so popular.
Wir haben mit unserem Teampiloten und X-Alps Athleten ein paar Runden in der Luft gedreht. Paul ist nicht nur Gleitschirm-Pilot sondern kann auch kleine Flugzeuge wie eine Super Cub oder Cessna fliegen.
Im Interview verrät er uns wie er sich auf das diesjährige Rennen mental und physisch vorbereitet und was ihm das Fliegen in den kleinen Maschinen eventuell für Vorteile bringen könnte.
skywalk paragliders auf:
A planar rescue is a new concept of rescue developed in-house by Gin Gliders, made possible by our new anti-billow rib technology. Lines are attached to triangular ribs deployed in a cross shape. This greatly reduces the billow of the canopy and produces a much flatter flat upper surface. As a consequence, the projected area is increased by 30%. This means excellent sink rates are obtaina- ble with a lower flat area and packing volume. Overall, the efficiency of this new system is the best we’ve ever experienced.
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